PHSC Facts and Figures

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PHSC Tuition Costs


Average per semester (In-State)

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PHSC Foundation Scholarship Dollars Awarded



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PHSC Foundation Scholarships Awarded



If you have applied for Financial Aid and registered for the summer term, please contact your campus Financial Aid office.

How to pay for college is a concern for many students. Over sixty percent of PHSC students receive some form of financial aid each year. The PHSC Financial Aid Office provides information and advising about federal, state and institutional aid programs as well as local scholarships that may help you achieve your educational goals. 

PHSC is committed to helping make education as accessible to you as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact one of our campus financial aid offices​​​​​​.

The Foster Care and Homelessness Liaisons at Pasco-Hernando State College exemplify knowledge, accessibility, and responsiveness, making them invaluable resources for students in need. For more information, contact our Foster Care and Homelessness Liaisons. 

Children of Deceased/Disabled Veteran (CDDV) Scholarship Delays

The Florida Department of Education has announced that students who have been awarded the Children of Deceased/Disabled Veteran (CDDV) scholarship may have delays in receiving this aid. PHSC's Financial Aid Office is working closely with the Florida Department of Education on this matter. Please continue to monitor your student Bobcat portal for CDDV disbursement updates. 

2025-2026 FAFSA

The U.S. Department of Education has announced the new FAFSA are now available!

In the News

Children of Deceased/Disabled Veteran (CDDV) Scholarship Delays

The Florida Department of Education has announced that students who have been awarded the Children of Deceased/Disabled Veteran (CDDV) scholarship may have delays in receiving this aid. PHSC's Financial Aid Office is working closely with the Florida Department of Education on this matter. Please…

Financial Aid, Summer Term 24-25

Students who have applied for Financial Aid and registered for the summer 2025 term, please contact your campus Financial Aid office.
